Hey there fans of Talking Sound we are happy to announce that episode 6 of the podcast just went live and we have made it easier than ever to get the show. Not only can you visit our Audio Feed page for free downloads and the Video feed page for Youtube versions of the episodes with video…very helpful for the instructional episodes, but we now have a pages on Sound Cloud as well Spreaker so those of you with smart devices can listen on the go with your favorite podcast services. In addition to all of these fantastic updates we have even bigger news that will make the Talking Sound experience fully portable on all fronts. We have developed and are in the midst of presently testing the all new and hopefully soon to be released Talking Sound Mobile App… from tech articles, industry news, audio feeds, video, feeds, tech videos and even exclusive content available only to app users. In order to bring the many, many hope and ambitions of the show to life we have officially started a campaign for patrons to help support our continuing efforts on the more than awesome website PATREON. Feel free to visit our Donate page or click the donation tile in the right hand widget column to find out more. Thanks as always everybody and don’t forget the cable ties!
~Talking Sound~