So Since I have begun the podcast many people have asked me what program I use to “treat” my audio in post production. I always give them one resounding answer…WavePad! I have used this program for years and have since upgraded to the PRO version. and I am here to tell you folks it has some options that are simply out of this world and as opposed to many recording/editing programs it is light duty as well as fast on any computer and super easy to understand. Import your file and away you go. My favorite function is the spectral subtraction. It will reduce your noise to an absolute beautiful void of nothing…pure nothing. So stop on by their website and check out their software for FREE! that’s right…FREE! Go there now everybody, They have a whole family of audio and video programs that are incredible.
Click image below to proceed to download page
Tons more software for FREE from NCH Software – WavePad Audio Editor!