It is indeed an exciting day fellow gear heads. The first official episode of the Talking Sound podcast has been posted to the interwebs. In the first exciting action packed episode Chris Jordan details the importance of regular cleaning and maintenance of equipment as well as explaining how to clean a sound board. To listen to or download free copies of the show please visit our AUDIO FEED page. There you can either listen to any episode on our media player or you can hover over any episode title, right click and save the file as an MP3 for easy transfer to your mobile devices. In addition to the audio feed page is the VIDEO FEED page where you can actually watch the show as it was recorded giving you a whole new insight into not only the program itself but a more detailed knowledge of the information given. So head to the TUNE IN tab right now and enjoy the fantastic premiere episode and stay tuned every Friday for the latest installment of the Talking Sound podcast.
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